The Nightblade skill tree has a lot of support for acid damage, and the Oathkeeper skill tree has a few ability modifiers that can, for example, change Righteous Fervor or Guardians of Empyrion to do Acid and Vitality damage.
The Dervish is durable, has high damage output, and has great mobility. Both the Nightblade and Oathkeeper tree have support for vitality and acid damage, so you can choose to focus on either, but acid has a lot more support for it in both skills and items you can find. The Dervish is a combination of the Nightblade and Oathkeeper masteries and is a solid choice for leveling up if you take Oathkeeper first. DervishĪ Dervish attempts to kill the secret Crate superboss
Item sets such as the Dark One’s Gift, Beastcaller’s Regalia or Bysmiel’s Trinkets can make your Ritualist very powerful at the end game, capable of taking down very challenging bosses.
Having pet spells in the Necromancer and Shaman skill tree allows you to summon a small army of minions to fight for you if you prefer a pet-oriented playstyle.
There are a lot of monster infrequents that support this build, such as Bonespike, Lagoth’Ak’s Bloodbinding, or Ugdenbog Howler.
Access to spells like Wendigo Totem and Devouring Swarm allow you to do significant damage and sustain your health while staying mobile.
When playing as a Ritualist, you will be both durable and yield high damage output. There are strong supporting skills in both masteries for vitality damage, as well as pet-focused builds. The Ritualist is a combination of the Necromancer and Shaman masteries and is a great class for leveling up. For example, you can use the Trozan set along with a few other items to make a build focused on massive damage output with Trozan’s Skyshard while maintaining mobility.Ī Ritualist faces off against Aetherial undead
There are a few very viable end game builds for the druid.
There are some powerful monster infrequents that can supplement your build, such as the Ugdenbog Sparkthrower which provides a very significant 40% crit damage to Primal Strike.
Shaman spells like Storm Totem or Wendigo Totem can provide a lot of standing power.
You have access to a wide variety of support for elemental damage with skills such as Wind Devil, Stormcaller’s Pact, or Ishkandra’s Elemental Exchange.
Primal Strike has high damage output, and the capability to excel in both AOE and single target damage.
When starting out with the Shaman, you can use Primal Strike to level up.
As a Druid, your damage output will be significantly higher than for example, a Battlemage, but you will be less durable and have to maneuver your character more often to survive. There is good synchronization within this class because both the Shaman and Arcanist skill trees have support for elemental damage. The Druid is a combination of the Shaman and Arcanist masteries and makes for an okay choice to level up as if you choose Shaman as your first class.
There is a lot of potential to switch to interesting endgame builds once you’ve reached level 94, like the Spellscourge set or the Krieg set.Ī Druid faces off against a group of hero and boss enemies in the Crucible.
There is a fair amount of Monster Infrequent support for Battlemages, like Shambler’s Heart, which adds flat physical damage to Forcewave, or Obsidian War Cleaver which adds 60% weapon damage to Forcewave.
Powerful passive and toggle buffs like Field Command, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, or Oleron’s Rage can steeply increase your damage and survivability.
Access to Forcewave makes leveling a breeze, and the Arcanist skill tree only further supports this with abilities like Mental Alacrity.
As a Battlemage, you have access to powerful passive and toggle buffs, as well as useful leveling abilities that are accessible early on in the skill tree, allowing you to have both respectable damage output, and survivability. The Battlemage is a combination of the Soldier and Arcanist masteries and is a great choice for a starter class. BattlemageĪ Battlemage dispatches some Cthonians with Olexra's Flash Freeze Let's take a look at some of the best classes in 2020! 10. With nine available masteries, there are thirty-six different combinations and many different ways to build each of those combinations. What are the best classes for Grim Dawn in 2020?Īs a new player, you will quickly discover that with Grim Dawn's engaging dual mastery system, you become a new class when you choose your second mastery, able to mix and match skills from both masteries to devise your own unique build!